Shut Up & Bleed: Western Horror Anthology brings together the talents of horror authors: Katie Berry, Christine Morgan, Tim Curran, C. Derick Miller, Megan Stockton, B. L. Blankenship, Chuck Buda, Mawr Gorshin, Merrill David, and Jon Steffens in an epic display of 19th Century Terror. WARNING: This book contains things so ghastly, profane, and overwhelmingly violent that they are not deemed suitable for the general public. Notably, several individuals have had full-on emotional breakdowns after reading some of these authors stories - despite being warned not to. Likewise, another one of them was wrongfully fired from their job due to the explicit material that they wrote as an author under a pen name. If you are offended by anything - do not read this book. Thank you & may GOD have mercy on your soul.