This is the fascinating life story of someone in love with the world and his family. His journey begins in small-town Oklahoma and travels around the planet as he works with ICA, UNDP and NYU in service to poor villages and slums, cities, nations, organizations, and public servants. The reader journeys with the author from his birth (and before) to his 75th birthday (and beyond) and participates in his awakening, calling, travels, loves, adventures, beliefs, acts of service, struggles, tragedies, ecstasies, reflections, and life lessons. In all of history, this story has never before been told. Enjoy the journey and be inspired.'In this book, Rob Work has narrated a fascinating story of his life, demonstrating his passion for humanity and the planet, and contribution to community and leadership development . . .'- G. Shabbir Cheema, PhD, senior fellow, Harvard Kennedy School; former director of UNDP Management Development and Governance Division 3