Does life have you on an emotional roller coaster? Up one day and down the next? If so, what are you telling yourself and why? Your thoughts not only control how you feel but also how you behave, which ultimately leads to the overall direction of your life. For example, if your self-talk is negative, you could be experiencing low self-worth, lack a sense of purpose, confusion, hopelessness, fear and so on.Sally H. Hall is no stranger to the battle of self-talk. She’s allowed her emotions to dictate her thoughts, decisions, and the direction of her life because the emotional characters in her head were always there talking, pushing, directing, and reminding. Often, her self-talk propelled her forward, and even more often held her back, down, and beat her up! Frightening is the fact that so much of what she told herself and believed over the years was wrong.It’s for this reason that Sally gets gut-level honest with you and will be sharing some of the most painful and damaging self-talk that invaded her thoughts for years. It’s also why she shares how she learned to evaluate and change her self-talk. This 8-week, Bible-based, self-help workbook is designed to help you: Examine your self-talk, Discover why you tell yourself what you do, and Determine if what you are telling yourself is the truth. Using a workbook format, Self-Talk can help you look for answers to questions you might never have dared to ask. As you reach definitive conclusions, you’ll develop and test your reasoning and decision-making skills and find the tools you’ll need to mentally manage the emotional ups, downs, twists, and turns of life.