Sacred Animal Activism

Sacred Animal Activism

Vikki Koplick

26,37 €
IVA incluido
Fontaine Press
Año de edición:
Animales y sociedad
26,37 €
IVA incluido

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Australian by birth and upbringing, Vikki grew up nurtured by an environment that was particularly in tune with the animals that formed part of it. Her best intentions are made clear from the start of this autobiographical work, which focuses on the development and awakening of the inner being in a spirit that sought to be in harmony with all living things. Vikki’s mission to save Animals was thus inherent from an early age. Her search for self-realisation leading her to the uplifting practice of Meditation and Energy Healing. Becoming a Certified Energy Healer for Animals. Through her years of experience doing healings on her own pets and clients pets. Vikki has found some interesting common facts about Animal Chakras.Vikki shares her Chakra balancing and Energy Healing methods as well as common facts about Animal Chakras. There is guidance from the Soul in the last part of the book on how to connect with the spirit of Animals as an alternative to normal Animal Activism 'This book offers an opportunity to take your understanding of animals to a much deeper level. Vikki speaks from the heart and offers profound wisdom about our connection to the natural world, and animal activism.'  - Dr. Linda Bender, author of ’Animal Wisdom, Learning From the Spiritual Lives of Animals’

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