Essential Retirements Terms You Should Know Are you approaching that golden age of retirement? If so, you’re likely starting to get a lot of things in the mail or in the office that is related to your retirement that includes jargon you may or may not be familiar with. Don’t let intimidating jargon keep you from planning and saving for retirement. Get familiar with some of the most common words you’ll encounter while financing your golden years. This practical glossary book compiles a list of over 80 most common retirement terms you’re likely to encounter. Every retirement term is explained in detail, with a clear and concise article style description and practical examples. Most Commonly Asked Retirement Questions • When should I begin taking Social Security? • How long will my money last? • How much money do I need to retire? • Should I buy an annuity? • How much will I spend? • How will I pay for medical expenses in retirement? • Should I take my pension as a lump sum? People Also Often Ask: • Can I afford to retire? • Can I retire abroad / overseas? • What are the legal ways for tax-free retirement? • How much money will I spend in retirement? • How do I prepare financially for retirement? • What should I do before I retire? This extensive dictionary covers all aspects and areas of retirement terminology. Starting with retirement planning as you get ready to leave the workforce, thinking about things like when to take the leap and how you budget on a fixed income. Having a resource that helps remind you what the lingo you’ll see in the mailers and notices from your employer, the government and many other sources can be incredibly helpful. Make Your Retirement Less of a Mystery Taking time to understand the vocabulary can help you with your retirement planning, eliminating confusion, and get better prepared for a swift and smooth transaction. Get Smart with the Financial IQ Series Please also have a look at other titles in this series. The Herold Financial IQ series covers all major areas and aspects of the financial world. • Personal Finance, Real Estate, and Banking • Corporate Finance, Investment, and Economics • Retirement, Trading, and Accounting • Debt, Bankruptcy, Mortgage, Small Business, and Wall Street • Financial Laws & Regulations, Acronyms, and Abbreviations