Reflections of Endurance is a mostly autobiographical play based on my life’s journey. My desire is to expose the issues of mental illness in relation to coping and living with depression. Reflections of Endurance shows a person managing to delicately balance her spirituality and her disability. I take the reader on a journey encountering closed doors. These are doors that need to be opened.My story tells of issues relating to faith, education, housing, work, institutionalization, judicial settings and family relationships as I try to find a place where I can develop in life. It’s an interesting thing about human nature; people are not interested in you until they know you have something they want. It is a social theology of “What do you bring to the table” versus the philosophy of “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” So Reverend Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. asked some decades ago, “What do you have in your hand?” My answer to Powell is, “My weakness has become my strength.” I have a beautiful mind, a pen, and a camera.