About the Book Books about Radio discuss the history of the invention of, and the 1920s commercial adaptation of, radio signals to translate voice and music programs over potentially vast distances. Titles include: International radio telegraph convention of Berlin: 1906, Is American radio democratic? A study of the American system of radio regulation, Radio listening in America; the people look at radio - again, Radio phone receiving; a practical book for everybody, and To regulate radio communication: hearings April 28, 1910.About usTrieste Publishing’s aim is to provide readers with the highest quality reproductions of fiction and non-fiction literature that has stood the test of time. Our titles are produced from scans of the original books and as a result may sometimes have imperfections. To ensure a high-quality product we have: thoroughly reviewed every page of all the books in the catalog repaired some of the text in some cases, and rejected titles that are not of the highest quality. You can look up “Trieste Publishing” in categories that interest you to find other titles in our large collection. Come home to the books that made a difference!