Amit Tomar / Randheer Singh / S.S. Singh
The book entitled 'Promotion of hybrid maize through front line demonstrations (FLDs) in Bundelkhand region' has been designed for covered all the aspects of Maize. This book covered varietal development in Maize, types of Maize, importance of Maize, Front Line Demonstrations based on Maize, Maize products, recipe development in Maize, nutritional benefits of Maize, Training & Research on Maize. This book will also helpful for Undergraduate, Postgraduate & Doctorate students. This book will be helpful to the stakeholders, marketing, researchers & other entrepreneurship enterprises for development of new Maize based industry. This book will also helpful for other agricultural competition examinations like Uttar Pradesh Civil Services Examinations, Agricultural Research Services (ARS), Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Senior Research Fellow (SRF) & other banking services examinations’.