A Magical Quest AwaitsIn the land where the sun reigns eternal, Princess Isa’s heart longs for the mysteries of the night, now just a legend in Solara. Her quest for these forgotten wonders leads her to Draken, a dragon who once danced under starlit skies. Together, they embark on a quest to uncover why the stars disappeared and how to bring them back.Their journey takes them through realms of celestial maps and ancient lore, to hidden glades where they encounter a sprite with a tale of its own. Princess Isa and the Dreaming Dragon weaves a narrative of discovery, friendship, and the delicate balance between light and dark.A story that celebrates the spirit of exploration and the importance of understanding, this book is a magical tale of how dreams can inspire change and illuminate the world. Join Princess Isa and Draken as they strive to restore the night, revealing that every soul, no matter how small, has a place in the tapestry of the universe.Net Proceeds Benefit Animal RescueProceeds from the sale of this book support The Fuzzy Pet Foundation (TFPF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing companion animal homelessness in Southern California and beyond. Discover more about our mission and initiatives at www.TFPF.org.