Permaculture Gardening Handbook

Permaculture Gardening Handbook

P. Joseph Richards

23,08 €
IVA incluido
P. Joseph Richards
Año de edición:
Métodos de jardinería especializados
23,08 €
IVA incluido

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Permaculture made easy! Discover how you can create a sustainable garden in just 9 simple steps... Gardening remains one of the most prominent trends in the world right now, existing in many forms, shapes, and even sizes - ranging from something as simple as a lawn to purpose-built kitchen gardens, orchards, and more. However, in all these versions, there is one element that hardly gets addressed: sustainability. Conventional gardening practices - for something as simple as planting herbs or growing vegetables - might be green but are not truly eco-friendly. Excess water consumption and waste, soil degradation, and chemical pollutants all create a combined effect that hurts the environment that you live in. And this is where permaculture comes into play. Developed in the 1970s, permaculture is what you’d call a holistic practice, aimed at not only providing food security to individuals and communities but also restoring nature as a whole. Permaculture is all about imitating nature to develop a sustainable ecosystem that gives back to nature more than it takes away, all without using any damaging gardening or farming practices. In short, it’s a truly green practice in every sense. Thankfully, it doesn’t take much to start your own sustainable permaculture garden - no matter your skill level. And it all starts with observing nature around you... In this beginner-friendly permaculture handbook, you will discover: A hands-on approach to start permaculture gardening in just 9 steps - find out how to make sustainability a key part of your lifestyle The 12 core design principles of permaculture philosophy, demystified How to survey your backyard and smartly plan your garden Imitating nature for success - maximize your yield and gardening efficiency by using the 7-layer concept of permaculture design to plant trees, shrubs, herbs, and more Mastering the elements, naturally - make water management and conservation your top priority while improving the quality of your backyard’s soil Leveling up to a biodiverse ecosystem - blend your permaculture practice with nature by inviting beneficial animals, birds, and insects How to take care of your garden using simple management techniques, zero-waste practices, and natural pest management And much more. Because permaculture brings a comforting layer of food security, it can provide you and your family with fresh and 100% natural produce. And the more you mimic the harmony and efficiency of nature, the better your yield will be. So, are you ready to make nature your permanent gardening partner? Create a biodiverse ecosystem that supports your needs while restoring nature, the permaculture way!

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