Mystery thriller. Real-life paranormal events documented by a single family. Over 60 different short stories of encounters with ghosts, alien UFO’s, creatures, haunted toys, voices from the grave, Bigfoot, and more. The Paranormal Elementals began attaching themselves to this family starting in 1955 and continue to invade their lives even now in present times. Each story has been told exactly the way it has happened. For those of you who are curious, skeptical, or even are actual believers in metaphysical beings, this book is for you. We’ve all heard someone tell a tale or two from their past...but not like this. Prepare to be shocked, bewildered, and even scared of what is really out there. The Paranormal Elementals are watching, waiting, following, or may already have found their way within the very walls of what you call home. You can’t ignore them, you can’t chase them away, you can’t move away from them... they’re here to stay.