(Āśram Vidyā Order) Raphael / Asram Vidya Order Raphael
ORPHEUS, Pythagoras, Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus, etc., are not the same as a Locke, a Hume or a Fichte or such, even though the latter ones are very stimulating at the mental-conceptual level. To say that the Philosophy of Pythagoras, Parmenides, or Plato belongs to the Philosophia Perennis, precisely because it is not individual and temporal, by no means detracts from the authors' personality. On the contrary, it means recognizing them as "mediators", as "divine transmitters", or what is known in the East, as Avatår.The Mysteries instituted by Orpheus represent different states of being. RAPHAEL, the Author of this book, is fully aware to have only touched on the problem of the Sacred Mysteries, just as he has only touched on the events that characterized the life of Orpheus. But human beings, as such, need to acknowledge in themselves a double element: the one titanic (to use Orphic terms) and the other divine. It is up to one's own consciousness to determine whether one wants to be a single whole with the divine or with the titanic.