Operation Terror by Murray Leinster is a science fiction novel that combines elements of alien invasion and suspense. The story follows Lockley, a geologist who finds himself in the midst of a mysterious and deadly extraterrestrial takeover of Earth. When aliens land and deploy a mind-controlling technology to paralyze human resistance, Lockley must find a way to fight back and uncover their motives. The novel explores themes of survival, resistance, and the resilience of humanity in the face of overwhelming odds, with a tension-filled narrative that keeps readers on edge.'Murray Leinster' was the pen name of William Fitzgerald Jenkins (1896-1975) -- an author whose career spanned the first six decades of the 20th Century. From mystery and adventure stories in the earliest years to science fiction in his later years, he worked steadily and at a highly professional level of craftsmanship longer than most writers of his generation. He won a Hugo Award in 1956 for his novelet 'Exploration Team,' and in 1995 the Sidewise Award for Alternate History took its name from his classic story, 'Sidewise in Time.' His last original work appeared in 1967.