This book places the reader in the correct frame of mind to grasp the gravity of the situation facing America and comprehend the downward spiral we have entered collectively as a nation. The United States hegemony, competitive advantage, economic interests, national security, social construct, morality, and military capability are being threatened and contested on multiple levels, internally and externally. The global situation has escalated to a point where our past global retreats and inactions are forcing us to face significantly more risk. It is imperative that we adopt a more deliberate and strategic foreign policy posture, spend substantially more on targeted foreign investments, reengage partners, fix our sociocultural crisis, and develop new alliances to not fade away into irrelevance as so many great empires did throughout history.Oh, say, can you see 'America' is written with the intention of giving busy readers and the electorate a summary perspective on several different issues that affect us singularly as a nation, regionally as a country, and globally as a competing power? In the context of writing styles, this book has an aura of simplification and reiterating points throughout the book that I wanted to drive home. It is purposefully done to give the reader a 'common sense' perspective rather than a scholastic paper filled with dry facts and data. Hopefully, this book will create more questions than answers and spark lively debates among families, friends, and colleagues. Please ask the tough questions, debate with an open mind, do not follow talking points, get information from different sources on both sides, and then use your common sense to see the truth of actions. You may not agree with some points, but it is always beneficial to look at varying perspectives, especially with so much on the line.To help the reader connect the dots on America’s domestic spiral, the book will look through a political, cultural, and social lens to tease out sociopolitical issues impacting society and how the ramifications of these actions have created the downward spiral our great nation is in today.To reiterate, this book is purposed to not only wet the reader’s appetite but to make you think, ask the hard questions, and become knowledgeable and engaged in the democratic process of our nation, regardless of political persuasion. Might I remind the readers that politics is there to serve us in the governance of the country, not live in our 'head space,' and it must be returned to its rightful place in society so we as a people can come together as 'One Nation Under God' and most importantly, 'Under One Flag.'