THESE ARE THE ORIGINAL COMANDMENTSOF POT ETIQUETTE.…The time has come… …And this is it… FINALLY the complete list of: Confirmed laws of conduct which will steer you, direct you, teach you and remind you of not only what actions and behaviors are correct and acceptable but also, what is inappropriate and will not be tolerated within the pot smoking community. A step by step, concrete, everyday, real-world, user-friendly manual, handbook, guide: to lead, direct, teach and correct any and all Stoners. The ‘techniques’ and the ‘rules’, to keep you from embarrassing the pot smoking community, your friends and yourself!No matter, your age, size, color, origin or citizenship, these commandments are for everyone, the novice beginner to the seasoned veteran. These teachings and handed down laws can be applied in every imaginable smoking situation. Learn the rites which have been tried through centuries and generations.