This story tells the relationship between two cities: one on Earth and one in a realm known as the Other Side who both exchange residents for a time every so many years to maintain the peace after a period of war known as the Human-Troll Wars. The main character is Samantha who travels to the Other Side and encounters Trolls eventually becoming the apprentice of Lady Lune. As she journeys through the landscape she discovers that she is part of a deeper story separate from the cities and the peace agreements in place. It leads her to discover the Moonshadows and Lady Lune, a divine being of the Moon that desires to locate her replacement which entangles Samantha taking her deep into a story and a greater relationship with herself and love. It’s available via Lulu, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and Amazon online.New Moon Ascendant is a novella written by LaDonna J. Davis a graduate of the Paris Writer’s Workshop. She is a resident of Michigan and lives in California.Excerpts of New Moon Ascendant were well received by an enthralled audience at the Paris Writers Workshop many years ago. Now, the full text is available to enthrall many audiences and capture the imagination via Samantha’s world. It’s sure to be a good read.