IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO WAKE UP AND DREAM AGAIN If you wake up each day and find yourself on auto-pilot—exhausted and emotionally emptied—this book was written for you. As women, we deal with illness, death, poverty, divorce and countless other disappointments; we often struggle with addictions or are victims of violence and abuse. Sometimes — sadly — we become defined and derailed by these events. We give up our deepest desires and abandon our heartfelt dreams. The hurts and hardships become a hiding place— an excuse for a half-led life. We allow our bitterness and blame to engulf us and we end up sleepwalking through a life we never planned on living. Never Broken Beyond Repair: Reclaiming Your Life and Your Light is based upon my own journey, and is my gift to you. I share a simplistic, universal approach to help you traverse your past, shape a future filled with passion and purpose, and create positive, lasting changes in your life. You are not alone — join me on this journey and find your own path — it’s never too late.