Navigation with Nerve

Navigation with Nerve

Linton J Khor

13,28 €
IVA incluido
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Año de edición:
Consejos sobre carreras profesionales y cómo alcanzar el éxito
13,28 €
IVA incluido

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  • Librería Perelló (Valencia)
  • Librería Aciertas (Toledo)
  • El AlmaZen del Alquimista (Sevilla)
  • Librería Elías (Asturias)
  • Librería Kolima (Madrid)
  • Librería Proteo (Málaga)

Do you ever find yourself overlooked or altogether ignored?Perhaps you struggle to communicate effectively and you feel unheard and unappreciated at work, in personal relationships, or socially.What if I told you that with the help of this book, you could eradicate all those feelings and become a valued voice without overshadowing others?Introducing Navigating With Nerve, a must-read book for anyone on the hunt for assertive strategies for life.Say goodbye to getting talked over or being unable to get your point across and say hello to a world where your opinions are not just heard but also sought after and you feel like a respected member of the workplace and in life.Assertiveness doesn’t have to come across as aggressive. This book will help you understand the difference and master the perfect communication style for the results you want.The information found within this book won’t just benefit employees; it will also help leaders communicate more effectively and earn respect rather than demanding or begging for it.Inside Navigating With Nerve, discover:How to understand assertiveness.The assertiveness spectrum.How to build the foundation for assertiveness.Ways to develop your assertive communication skills.Tips and tricks to increase assertiveness - 'Communication Jujitsu.'It’s time to assert yourself in a clear, effective, and healthy manner.Grab your copy of Navigating With Nerve todayLinton J. Khor is a global Business Consultant and Psychologist, dedicated to helping people and companies reach their highest potential. When Linton isn’t transforming organizations with a mix of strategic business insight and psychology, you can find him exploring the open road on his motorcycle or enjoying quality time with family and friends, sharing laughter, travelling and creating lasting memories. His passion for life, both on and off the job, fuels his commitment to growth, connection and transformation.

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