Natural Heartburn Relief

Natural Heartburn Relief

Tyler Spellmann

10,05 €
IVA incluido
Indy Pub
Año de edición:
Medicina popular y salud
10,05 €
IVA incluido

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Heartburn is a common problem for millions of people around the world. Experts say, there are about 15 million Americans who are experiencing heartburn each day based on research conducted by the American College of Gastroenterology.The goal of this guide is to help you with the following: Understanding what heartburn is and differentiating it from other conditionsLearning about different ways to control and counter heartburn with foodPlanning a two-week heartburn relief diet planIntroducing different recipes to support the heartburn relief dietBefore proceeding into the two-week heartburn relief diet plan, make sure that you are committed to this by being disciplined and determined. It’s important to start this diet with the mindset because you might need to change or stop some habits in order to make your diet plan a successful one.Take drinking too much coffee for example. When you are in the process of lowering your stomach acidity, you need to avoid or lessen your intake of acidic foods and beverages like coffee. We all know that coffee is an addictive drink because it contains caffeine. As much as it is addictive, it is also very high in acid.Caffeine withdrawal is hard and can result in some adverse effects for people who drink it several times a day. The bad effects can be headaches, fatigue, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, irritability, tremors, and low energy levels. If you are a certified coffee addict, you might experience these side effects.The point is, that you might be obliged to do new things and leave your old habits during and after accomplishing the diet plan. The challenge here is to impose discipline on yourself.If you’re ready to start this journey and are willing to take on the challenge, go ahead and proceed in reading this guide. 

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