Keep watch, India. Bring your offerings of worship for that sacred sunrise. Let the first hymn of its welcome sound in your voice and sing ''Come, Peace, thou daughter of God’s own great suffering. Come with thy treasure of contentment, the sword of fortitude, And meekness crowning thy forehead.'' ’ - Tagore (From this book) Rabindranath Tagore was the first non-European writer to win the renowned Nobel Prize in literature. Today, he continues to be one of the most important and influential voices in World literature. Tagore’s Nationalism is a collection of essays written during a time when the lives of people in India and the world had become absolutely chaotic. Written in the backdrop of the First World War and the Swadeshi movement in India, Nationalism emphasizes Tagore’s political and philosophical views on human understanding and its weakness for power and material hoardings. Packed with erudition and analysis, it expounds the idea of a moral and spiritual growth for human welfare.