The multidisciplinary applications of natural science in drug discovery are essential for identifying and developing new drugs and represent a promising area of research. Drug discovery is a complex and challenging process that involves multiple disciplines, including biology, chemistry, pharmacology, and medicine. One of the most interesting areas of drug discovery is using natural science, which involves the study of natural products and their potential therapeutic benefits, in which the research literature has previously been lacking appropriate attention. Multidisciplinary Applications of Natural Science for Drug Discovery and Integrative Medicine is a research book that bridges the gap between traditional and natural science approaches to identify new drug molecules in treating various diseases. The book focuses on allopathic and complementary medicine. It takes a cross-disciplinary examination of biology, chemistry, pharmacology, mathematics, physics, and medicine. This book is suitable for researchers, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, and post-graduate students interested in exploring natural science’s multidisciplinary applications in drug discovery and integrative medicine.