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Mindfulness in Maulana’s School

Mindfulness in Maulana’s School

Ahoora Kavoosi

85,59 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
85,59 €
IVA incluido

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Undoubtedly, all the thoughts and humankind perspectives of in the present era about human, his nature, problems and their treatment were not achieved overnight and in our time, rather, they are the result of all the ideas and thoughts of thinkers who have shone like a light in the heart of night darkness in every era. In addition, they have had a great influence in guiding people. Maulana Jalaluddin as the founder of Mevlevi’s mystical school, which is based on love for God and human, and its recommendation for uniformity, condemnation of bigotry and arrogance, and respect for human dignity. Considering that many theories and scientific achievements have originated from culture, new ideas can be achieved by establishing a link between past cultural repertoire and today’s knowledge.

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