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Math Mammoth Grade 1-A Worktext, International Version

Math Mammoth Grade 1-A Worktext, International Version

Maria Miller

24,66 €
IVA incluido
Math Mammoth
Año de edición:
Bases matemáticas
24,66 €
IVA incluido

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Math Mammoth Grade 1-A Worktext (International Version) is the student worktext for the first half of grade 1 mathematics studies. In this part A, the main areas of study are:The concepts of addition and subtraction;strategies for addition and subtraction facts; anddeveloping understanding of whole number relationships and place value till 100.The worktext is in full color, and contains both the necessary instruction and the problems & exercises (the ’text’ and the ’work’), and is for the most part self-teaching. It does not contain the answers.Features of the curriculum: Math Mammoth focuses on conceptual understanding. It explains the 'WHY', so your children can understand the maths, not just learn 'HOW' to do it. Concepts are often explained with visual models, followed by exercises using those models. These visual models can take the place of manipulatives for many children; however, it is very easy to add corresponding manipulatives to the lessons if so desired. The curriculum is mastery-oriented. This means it concentrates fairly long on a topic, delving into its various aspects. This promotes conceptual understanding, as opposed to spiral curricula that often tend to jump from topic to topic too much. There is a strong emphasis on mental maths and number sense. Requires very little teacher preparation, which is a big benefit to most teachers/parents. :) The curriculum has no separate teacher’s manual nor is it scripted. The introduction to each chapter has some notes for the teacher concerning the material in the chapter. All the instruction is written directly to the student in the worktext, and there also exist accompanying videos where you can see Maria herself teach the material. After each chapter introduction, you will find a list of Internet links and resources (games, quizzes, animations, etc.) that can be used for fun, illustrations, and further practice. For addition and subtraction facts, you can use our online practice program (free). A companion to this book, Math Mammoth Grade 1-B worktext, covers the second half of 1st grade maths (available separately). Also available are the answer keys and a book containing cumulative revisions and end-of-chapter tests..

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