'It’s so bright!' I proclaim, 'The colors, the lines!''It’s so smart!' I exclaim, 'So bold and so fine!''How do you start? What’s the first thing you do?'She draws and she cuts and she paints and she glues.And then without stopping she speaks up to say,I draw what I see every night, every day.I draw all the shapes I can see in my world;I paint all the colors! They dip and they whirl!' Marvelous Margot Makes Art! She paints and glues and cuts and draws! Her adult is inspired! He joins in, tries his hand, and finds that he is an artist too! We are ALL Artists! Come and see! Written with easy rhythm and rhyme, illustrated colorfully, creatively, imaginatively, and MARVELOUSLY! It’s a must read for all of us, creators and makers everywhere!