Magical Bedtime Stories For Kids

Magical Bedtime Stories For Kids

Angie Rose

23,74 €
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Domenico Battino
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Does your child struggle to go to bed or have difficulty falling asleep? Does he like to listen to stories before sleeping? Are you looking for stories with illustrations that can accompany and make more enjoyable the reading?If you want to make bedtime into a lovely experience while giving your child all the benefits that come with reading bedtime stories, then keep reading...This book tells stories for children between three and ten years old. A single book that will follow your child’s growth stages or will please siblings of different ages. It will be fun to read amusing stories together with your children, and a happy ending is guaranteed.Bedtime should be a fun, engaging, relaxing part of the day that will allow you to bond with your child. If you want to set up a routine that is enjoyable, pleasant, and relaxing for everyone involved, this book can help you!If you read to him or her in a calm and gentle manner, it will help relieve the tension your child has built up during the day and allow them to slip off into a deep and soothing sleep.We often fail to recognize just how important a good night’s sleep is to a child’s wellbeing; that deep sleep sets them up for the following day.The structure of each fairy tale includes fundamental and immutable elements : a hero, an anti-hero, a challenge and finally an educational end. 'Magical Bedtime Stories For Kids' contains 27 famous stories, including:·    The Three Lіttle Ріgs·    Father Frost·    Cіnderella·    The Tale of Рeter Rabbіt·    St. George and the Dragon·    The Рrіncess and the Рea·    Raрunzel·    Hansel and Gretel·    The Adventures of Aladdіn·    Alі Baba and the Forty Thіeves·    And many others more.It could be the perfect way to help you spend those last minutes of your day with your children joyfully and making sure that it is pleasant for you all.You can begin to make real, meaningful, positive memories just by reading through this book with your children, and you will be able to encourage deep, important conversations, lessons, and skills that your family can use.Don’t hesitate! Scroll up and click on the BUY NOW button today! 3

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