Magic Happens

Magic Happens

Gordon Carr

15,85 €
IVA incluido
Tellwell Talent
Año de edición:
15,85 €
IVA incluido

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Books about, or written by, film stars, sporting heroes, politicians or famous criminals fly off the shelves because the public knows the subjects from the media. Meanwhile, authors in Australia and around the world write and publish books which can be of outstanding quality, but because the writers aren’t well known, their efforts go unrewarded as far as sales are concerned. Grant Irwin is a typical case, being the little-known and unacknowledged author of several books, most of which are relegated to his bookcase after publication. Then comes a twist of fate. Almost unbelievably, his latest effort is discovered by a prominent Hollywood producer and is eventually turned into a big-screen film production. Overnight, Grant’s life changes. He moves to Hollywood and becomes part of the local film production community, with success moving into high gear. It proves magic can really happen!

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  • Magic Happens
    Gordon Carr
    Books about, or written by, film stars, sporting heroes, politicians or famous criminals fly off the shelves because the public knows the subjects from the media. Meanwhile, authors in Australia and around the world write and publish books which can be of outstanding quality, but because the writers aren’t well known, their efforts go unrewarded as far as sales are concerned. G...

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