With a storyline that crosses into the realm of the otherworldly, this novel tells a story of murder and madness, ancient secrets and modern day intrigue. It takes you on a journey into the uncharted waters that reside on the other side of physical existence.'...fast-moving, plot-twisting thriller... also an aspiring novel of ideas, in which the writer... chastises religious intolerance...and envisions in detail a ’life after life’... Ian Thomas has created a fascinating world and a worthy page-turner for a winter’s night.'- Peter Feniak, The Globe & Mail'...Ian Thomas finds himself in The Lost Chord... gothic thriller in a Da Vinci Code sense... confronting all the big issues - religion, spirituality, love, death, life and the reasons for our very existence...' Graham Rockingham, The Hamilton Spectator'Ian Thomas’s Lost Chord is a metaphysical nail-biter... kept me engaged emotionally and intellectually without food or drink for about 20 hours... unusual and thought-provoking... deserves huge attention from readers with a taste for unconventional thinking...'Mag Ruffman, The Globe & Mail