Logic Made Easy

Logic Made Easy

Samuel James

19,74 €
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Filosofía: lógica

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Have you ever found yourself struggling to make a clear decision, unsure whether an argument is valid, or baffled by a tricky puzzle? If so, then you’ve encountered the power of logic - the art of clear and structured thinking. While logic may seem abstract or intimidating at first, it’s a skill that anyone can develop, and the benefits are immense.This book is designed for anyone who wants to improve their critical thinking abilities, regardless of their background or previous knowledge of logic. We’ll start with the fundamental building blocks, exploring basic concepts like truth, falsity, and statements. Then, we’ll delve deeper into various forms of reasoning, including deductive, inductive, and conditional, equipping you with the tools to analyze arguments and draw sound conclusions.But this book is not just about theory. We’ll also provide you with engaging exercises and real-world examples to help you apply your newfound knowledge.

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