'A story about how a young girl discovers a love for footballand is set on a path to becoming a star. Standing in her way isa mixture of obstacles including prejudice, opportunities andadversity.'LILY GREEN is set on the unlikeliest of paths due to the factfootball is relatively non-existent in her current life. Thechallenges she faces for acceptance are testing and the chancesto prove herself take her on a roller-coaster of a journey. Withthe help of a few close friends, Lily starts to realise her talents,and this gives her the courage and ambition to express herself.The story begins in the summer of 2013 around the sleepyNorfolk seaside and is narrated from the year 2021 whenthings are very different for women’s football. Lily’s journeyencapsulates the struggles a young female has breaking intothe world of football ... can she achieve her goal of fulfillingher talent and becoming a star?*Andy Elleray was born and grew up in London. He moved to therural town of Worcester to attend university and hasn’t lookedback since. Growing up, Andy was fascinated with football.Knowing he wanted to do more than play, he studied sportscoaching and has since worked with some of the best male andfemale teams in the UK, as well as international teams. Andy isa best-selling author and has produced nine non-fiction bookson the subject of football coaching and youth developmentthrough the publishing company Bennion Kearny. Havingworked with young footballers for well over a decade, his firstfiction book combines the excitement and real-life issues facedin the game.