This unique book contains the keys toward understanding the entire universe. Science is a collection of the understanding of the ways of nature, and it simply reflects the current state of our understanding of such. The book reflects my commonsense view of nature, as well as my attempt to bring into order the chaos of the current quilt of stitched-together theories.It starts with the searching for the answer to the question, Which Einstein is right? Is it the young Einstein, author of special relativity, or the mature Einstein, mastermind of general relativity? There has since been no middle ground to have both works to be right.The book takes the reader on the trail to search for the solution to the conundrum of the Michelson-Morley experiment. The results of this search lead to the discovery of the unique entity called prime energy and how it is responsible for the existence of everything in the universe. Furthermore, in the new light of this discovery, the reader will come across many interesting facts about the big bang, black hole, earth climate, hot burning suns, and other details of nature.The book contains descriptions of the interesting technical discovery of the velometerthe device that provides 3-D spatial information on an objects position and velocity from within and from the motion itself. This discovery will guide astronauts deep into the depth of the universe and safely bring them back home. On Earth, velometer-type devices will help manned and unmanned craft to travel safely and autonomously.The book will be equally interesting for professional scientists as well as for recreational readers.