Are you strong enough to handle the truth about your faith and belief?Since infancy you have been taught stories from the Bible. Did you knowthat they are simply myths and superstitions, gathered together from theveils of antiquity? The priests of the ancient world were seeking a newmethod of power and control over the masses.In this book you will be given truths and directed to paths of reality. Allreligions are created for control and wealth. Jesus never existed and thereis no evidence that a benevolent God watches over his children. There isalso the same lack of proof that an Allah, a Buddha, or a Krishna everexisted or exists today. What we have developed is a path to the totaldestruction of mankind. Our planet earth is being torn apart by foolishbeliefs which are promoted and supported by the weaknesses of a massof human beings who have to have a security blanket. Collectively thenations of the world are on an inevitable collision course and the cause isreligion. This is the ultimate results of a child’s game of, 'my God isbigger than your God!'