Jack at Dawn is an electrifying mix of western adventure and supernatural science fiction, where the wild frontier meets an epic battle for humanity’s survival. Jack Turner, a hardened rancher with a troubled past, finds solace on the Red Star Ranch. But his world is turned upside down when a mysterious time traveler named Daniel arrives with a terrifying warning: Becky Thompson’s father, Colonel Everett, is no ordinary man-he’s the first vampire in history, destined to ignite a war that will doom the future of mankind.Now, Jack is thrust into an impossible choice: protect the woman he loves or stop an ancient evil from rising. With Daniel’s knowledge of the future, the two form an uneasy alliance to confront the Colonel before his dark transformation plunges the world into chaos. Time is running out, and every decision Jack makes could tip the balance between love, loyalty, and the fate of humanity itself.Filled with intense action, deep emotional stakes, and a powerful mix of romance and sacrifice, Jack at Dawn pulls readers into a thrilling story of time travel, vampire lore, and the ultimate battle for the future. Fans of fast-paced sci-fi, supernatural suspense, and unforgettable characters will be captivated from the first page.