Is There a Replica of Me in an Alternate Universe?

Is There a Replica of Me in an Alternate Universe?

Robert 'Greg' Wagoner

34,55 €
IVA incluido
Lulu Press
Año de edición:
Física cuántica (mecánica cuántica y teoría cuántica de campos)
34,55 €
IVA incluido

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Neil deGrasse Tyson, Stephen Hawking, and many physicists have explored the fascinating possibilities of alternate universes, hidden dimensions, string theory, and the multiverse, revealing groundbreaking insights that challenge our understanding of reality. Is There a Replica of Me in an Alternate Universe? explores the multiverse hypothesis by reviewing its theoretical foundations, evidence, and challenges, ultimately proposing a quantum theory-based argument to disprove the existence of exact copies of ourselves in alternate universes. Wagoner investigates the idea of the multiverse, which suggests that there might be many universes beyond our own, a concept important in areas like cosmology, quantum mechanics, and physics. The first part explains the different types of multiverses, where the idea comes from, and evidence that supports it. The second part looks at major problems with the multiverse idea. In the final part, the author uses proven ideas from quantum theory to propose a hypothesis to argue against the possibility of an identical version of ourselves existing in another universe. The author offers an introduction to the multiverse hypothesis and the current theories attempting to challenge it. This serves as the foundation for addressing the question posed in the title, 'Is There a Replica of Me in an Alternate Universe?'. Additionally, the author presents a fresh hypothesis, grounded in established and verified quantum theory, with the aim of disproving the notion that an identical version of ourselves exists in an alternate universe.

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