


Wes Choc

12,00 €
IVA incluido
Chosen Journey Media
Año de edición:
Estrategia, planificación e investigación defensivas
12,00 €
IVA incluido

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This is about how an unplanned encounter by the author evolved into a worthy story ...a life story about how a young Walter Rothwell, born in the US, grew up in Switzerland and became fluent in four languages by the time he was ...drafted in the US Army during World War II.  Being drafted the same month that the war ended might seem fortuitous, but because of his shrewd language abilities, it enticed him into a world of strategic intelligence ...and ultimately Cold War espionage. He became a spy. He earned rank as well as prestige as the go-to person for unearthing worthy information ...from gumshoe to classroom expert ...from authority of on-the-street mole tactics to eventually delivering the necessary backup for momentous Cold War decisions in 1952. Rothwell delivered consequence ...oh so inconspicuously. [Special update:  Walter Rothwell passed away the morning of January 21, 2016 ... peacefully while reading his favorite books]

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