As you know, dreams are cherished aspirations or ambitions. Sometimes, they are pointers to our purpose in life, especially if divinely inspired. One great question this journal will help you answer is, 'Do you have a dream?' Once you answer this, you can then ask yourself, 'Is your dream related to your purpose?' These two questions are the foundational issues of every life.APOSTLE PERRY created this journal with several perspectives on dreams. She dissects this subject not only when looking at your career but also your chosen field, as well as God’s call upon your life. Yes, you may say, 'I’ve got dreams for myself,' but how long have you been pursuing those dreams?APOSTLE PERRY gives concise daily Scriptural answers to all of the questions asked above. This journal is designed to drive thoughts and spur action in actualizing our God-given dreams.Another fundamental purpose of this journal is to help you build trust in God, the Author, and Originator of dreams. No doubt, this journal will whet your appetite for greatness and success in life. For more resources and to learn more about how this journal can help you reach your God-given dream through prayer and determination, visit our website at or, or subscribe to our Facebook page at FB/TAP.