I TRIED TO WARN YOU is a trenchant critique of the march of folly that has characterized the (perhaps terminal) decline of Christendom in the past half century. It is also an invaluable resource of facts, logic, and witticisms with which to explain what is wrong and defend what is right. Former diplomat and policy analyst James George Jatras has spent a lifetime in the swamp of Washington, DC, fighting the good fight from Foggy Bottom, Capitol Hill, and K Street. An insider with an outsider’s commonsense and Christian faith, Jatras wields his rapier wit with a buccaneer’s sense of humor, engaging all the major issues of our 'interesting times.'Praise for I TRIED TO WARN YOU'Jim Jatras has been a valued observer of the American scene for decades and I am happy to have worked with him on several projects while I was in Congress and afterward with my Institute for Peace and Prosperity. This collection of his essays reflects both his keen intellect and broad range of interests and expertise.' - U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, MD (Retired)'Jim Jatras argued for sanity through many decades of professional service in the messy, uneven and often illogical conduct of US Foreign Policy. It turns out Jatras was right, and things could have been different, better. His story is riveting, sweeping and sobering.' - Col. (ret.) Douglas Macgregor, U.S. Army, Author of Margin of Victory (Naval Institute Press, 2016)'Jatras provides a comprehensive overview of the malaise, at home and abroad, with an impressive sureness of touch. It reveals, on the one hand, a seasoned Beltway insider who has retained his sanity, and, on the other, an erudite observer of this country’s (and the world’s) ever accelerating rush to the Apocalypse. Jatras the diagnostician spares us the faux ray of hope for here and now, but his writing hints at his abiding faith that in the end all will be well.' - Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, Foreign Affairs Editor, Chronicles magazine