Human All-Too-Human

Human All-Too-Human

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

18,06 €
IVA incluido
Ideal Booking
Año de edición:
Ética y filosofía moral
18,06 €
IVA incluido

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Nietzsche’s essay, Richard Wagner in Bayreuth, appeared in 1876, and his next publication was his present work, which was issued in 1878. A comparison of the books will show that the two years of meditation intervening had brought about a great change in Nietzsche’s views, his style of expressing them, and the form in which they were cast. The Dionysian, overflowing with life, gives way to an Apollonian thinker with a touch of pessimism. The long essay form is abandoned, and instead we have a series of aphorisms, some tinged with melancholy, others with satire, several, especially towards the end, with Nietzschian wit at its best, and a few at the beginning so very abstruse as to require careful study.' J. M. KENNEDY.

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