Dear friend, having houses, cars, and money is one thing, and being a slave is a different thing. Many times, we have seen that even those who have houses, cars, and money remain trapped in slavery. They are not even aware that they are trapped in slavery. I believe that despite having money, a car, house, almost 98% of people can be slaves.slavery in the name of religion means that whatever we hear or read in the name of religion, accepting it as 100% truth is a sign of slavery to religion. Nowadays, there is a lot of confusion in the name of religion. In the name of religion, man has become so fanatic that he is not ready to listen against his own religion and every person of every religion is promoting his own religion as bigger. Whether his words are false or true, every person has his own opinion. He or she makes the matter bigger. In the name of religion, man has become so weak that he tortures the poor and also considers himself religious. Killing the poor in the name of religion, and harassing people of other religions is slavery in the name of religion. Helping the poor in the name of religion and discussing ideas with people of other religions is freedom in the name of religion.