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How to identify a potential abuser?

How to identify a potential abuser?

Catalina del Mar Montes Vásquez

83,91 €
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KS OmniScriptum Publishing
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Derecho y procedimiento penal

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The Covid-19 pandemic signifies a turning point in terms of sexual abuse of children and adolescents, since the closer coexistence between victims and perpetrators led to an increase in the frequency and frequency of occurrence of these crimes. Thus, there is a contradiction between the effects expected by the legislator regarding the effectiveness of Article 199 of Law 1098 of 2006, compared to the figures registered by the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences for children and adolescents between 2018 and 2021. From this it can be established that despite the stiffening of penalties for rapists and murderers of this population (reflected in Art. 199 of the Law on Childhood and Adolescence and Art. 83 of the Colombian Penal Code), there is a manifest inability to interpret the mentality of the perpetrators, and thus achieve a decrease in the frequency with which the crime is committed. Thus, the problem is analysed from the perspective of one of the auxiliary sciences of law, represented in the Manual of Legal Psychology by Emilio Mira y López, published in 1932, the only one of its kind to date.

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