There are now more people living with HIV in the UK than ever before. In 2015, an estimated 101,200 people in the UK were living with HIV, 13% of whom were unaware of their infection. More than 6,000 people were newly diagnosed with HIV in 2015. This book can help people recognise signs and symptoms of HIV and AIDS. It can also help people identify and avoid risky behaviors that may lead to an HIV infection. Seeking to remove the unknown from this mysterious disease, this book clears up what HIV is, and how it is identified and treated. It also explains other sicknesses you can get when you are HIV positive. Most importantly, it talks about how to stay well and live a productive life after finding out that you are HIV positive. It is a helpful resource not only for people who have been diagnosed with HIV or AIDS but also for their friends and family members.Wide target audience: HIV or AIDs patients, health professionals.People who know someone who is HIV positive or has AIDs. • Clear concise step by step guide. • Includes detailed help list.