This book summarizes the main results of the author’s research in the field of Stellar Astrology. It begins with three essays illustrating the various astrological uses of methods based on the maximum and minimum declination reached by each star during the precession cycle. The geometric patterns formed by the stars at their lower and upper stopping points and their subsequent activations represent the true and hidden root cause of most events, and not only world events. There are also other essays in which the techniques of Stellar Astrology are applied to Local Space Astrology, Medical Astrology, and also to the platonic concept of the Mother Star. There is then an essay in which we explain the astronomical significance of the six-pointed star, also known as the Star of David or Solomon’s seal. The last two essays solve the age-old problem of the longitude of places on a stellar basis. We will see how and why the meridian passing through the Great Pyramid of Giza must be considered the fundamental meridian, and we will also explain why this has much to do with the precession cycle of Sirius. Most importantly, we will illustrate how you can use this discovery in your astrological practice.