The aviation industry faces an unprecedented challenge - the digital transformation revolution. While digital technologies promise immense benefits in terms of efficiency, safety, and passenger experience, they also bring forth intricate challenges. Navigating through complex regulatory frameworks and safeguarding against cybersecurity risks has become a paramount concern for aviation professionals and academics alike. The industry’s future success hinges on its ability to adapt to this digital revolution while effectively managing the potential pitfalls it presents. Harnessing Digital Innovation for Air Transportation emerges as a timely and comprehensive solution for academic scholars in aviation management. It offers a profound exploration of how digital innovations are shaping various facets of aviation and provides in-depth strategies to address the challenges presented by this digital revolution. From understanding the impact of digital transformation to harnessing data analytics, managing safety, enhancing the passenger experience, and delving into emerging technologies, this book equips readers with the knowledge and tools to thrive in the digital age of aviation.