The Power and Importance of Touch Cannot Be OverstatedThis book is an essential guide to your baby and children’s cognitive, emotional, and social development.The techniques in this book will provide you and your child with these benefits and more:SUPERIOR PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENTincluding improved circulation and stronger mind-body connectionsPOSITIVE BODY IMAGEthat will help your child accept his or her appearance and follow a life-long commitment to well-beingEXCEPTIONAL SOCIAL SKILLSincluding heightened self-confidence and increased ability to be in touch with and communicate feelingsA LASTING FAMILY BONDthat translates into greater communication and openness between parent and child.Robert Toporek has been an Advanced Certified Rolf Practitioner since 1975. He studied directly with Dr. Rolf the last four years of her life. Robert's extensive work with babies, children and families is beginning to make a worldwide difference.