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Handbook of Research on E-Government Readiness for Information and Service Exchange

Handbook of Research on E-Government Readiness for Information and Service Exchange

Handbook of Research on E-Government Readiness for Information and Service Exchange

Hakikur Rahman

387,38 €
IVA incluido
IGI Global
Año de edición:
Administración pública
387,38 €
IVA incluido

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Rapid advancements in technology have enabled the use of information and communication technologies to exchange and disseminate data and services with citizens, businesses, civil society, and other arms of government. The Handbook of Research on E-Government Readiness for Information and Service Exchange: Utilizing Progressive Information Communication Technologies formulates leading ICT strategies and critical comprehensive research for the development of efficient and effective e-government systems. This innovative collection provides cutting-edge knowledge to researchers and academicians with in-depth analysis of diversified approaches and patterns.

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