Each study in the God’s Word for Today series provides an in-depth exploration of a book of the Bible. Each session includes:background information on the book of the Bible, its author, audience, occasion, and purpose;learning experiences that promote exciting and challenging discussions;notes for leaders that answer questions, suggest a learning process, and provide additional information;discussion starters that help participants apply God’s Word to their daily lives.(13 sessions) 'Who am I?' People seem to have lost their sense of belonging. They ask, 'Who am I? What am I worth? Where am I going?'We have lost sight of our real roots. Because of sin, people have forgotten who they are in relationship to God, and to one another. This study focuses on:God’s restoration through Jesus Christ of the broken relationship that existed between Him and us;our rootedness in Him, which is strengthened as the Holy Spirit works through God’s Word;God’s love for us in Christ, which heals broken relationships and provides power to strengthen relationships between us and others.