Gifted and Talented COGAT Test Prep Grade 2

Gifted and Talented COGAT Test Prep Grade 2

Gifted and Talented COGAT Test Prep Grade 2

Gateway Gifted Resources

26,44 €
IVA incluido
Gateway Gifted Resoures
Año de edición:
Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales
26,44 €
IVA incluido

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Help maximize your child’s chances of acing the COGAT®! When it comes to gifted test prep, don’t risk your son or daughter being unprepared and underperforming on test day.Your child must be familiar with test material AND be able to focus on test material for longer than the typical 4-5 minute attention span of most young kids. This book offers a chance to do both.- Ensure your child has sufficient experience in answering the COGAT Level 8® nine question types, thanks to this book’s 200+ practice questions. (Plus, after you purchase this book, look inside your book for info to instantly download your free 40+ question bonus eBook.)- Make sure (s)he has acquired the mental stamina to focus on test questions with the book’s COGAT® Practice Test (the book’s 'Practice Question Set').- Pinpoint your child’s areas of strength/weakness with the practice test answer key.- Capture your child’s attention with bright, colorful illustrations and fun characters.- Exercises focus on cognitive skill-building, reasoning skills, and problem solving abilities and thoroughly cover the COGAT Level 8® test sections: Picture Analogies, Picture Classification, Sentence Completion, Figure Analogies, Figure Classification, Paper Folding, Number Analogies, Number Puzzles, and Number Series.(Note: If your child will take the COGAT®, please do not purchase our stand-alone OLSAT® book also (they contain similar material). Instead, you should just select this book.)Engaging young, creative, and boisterous minds with test prep material is challenging - that’s why this book features fun characters, child-friendly themes, and colorful illustrations. Such engagement can help kids retain the information they’ll learn in this book - and then apply it on test day!What are your kid’s dreams - to be a doctor, astronaut, or an engineer? Gaining acceptance to a coveted gifted and talented program or earning a spot in a sought-after, selective school could determine your child’s educational path - or even his or her future career.Help your child dream big and take the first steps on this exciting educational journey and achieve their dreams. YOU are your child’s best teacher, and this book is here to help!(COGAT® is a registered trademark of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is not affiliated with Gateway Gifted Resources and does not endorse this product.)

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