Fruit of the Spirit Activity Book for Beginners

Fruit of the Spirit Activity Book for Beginners

Pip Reid / Bible Pathway Adventures

18,89 €
IVA incluido
Bible Pathway Adventures
Año de edición:
18,89 €
IVA incluido

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Fruit of the Spirit Activity Book for Beginners takes kids ages 4-7 on a journey through the Fruit of the Spirit in a fun and creative way. With Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments, children will learn how famous Bible characters like Joseph, Moses, Daniel, and Paul showed the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their own lives. Packed with Bible lessons, imaginative activities, fun worksheets, coloring pages, and more!This Activity Book is designed to help educators just like you teach children a Biblical faith. Children will learn godly character and how to apply the fruit of the Spirit in their daily life. A wonderful resource to keep on hand for Sabbath and Sunday School teachers, and homeschooling. Very little teacher prep needed. Just print the activity sheets you need and go!Fruit of the Spirit Activity Book for Beginners includes:NINE Fruit of the Spirit lessons, including Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-controlDetailed teacher lesson plansScripture references for easy Bible verse look-up110+ fun & engaging activity pages in print format (8.5' x 11')Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrationsAnswer key for teachers and parentsBible stories covered:LOVE: The good SamaritanJOY: Paul & Silas in jailPEACE: Daniel and the lionsPATIENCE: Joseph rises to powerKINDNESS: Healing a paralyzed manGOODNESS: King Josiah and the TorahFAITHFULNESS: AbrahamGENTLENESS: MosesSELF-CONTROL: David spares King Saul’s lifeLearn more about Bible Pathway Adventures at

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