Four decades after its initial debut, renowned artist Foster Caddell’s Keys to Successful Landscape Painting is back by popular demand.Foster Caddell devoted his entire life to his art, beginning with developing a sophisticated drawing technique while in high school. He was employed as a lithographer before serving with the US Army Air Corps in World War II, documenting life in the Pacific Theater with his sketchbook and watercolors. Upon returning to civilian life, Caddell continued working in lithography while engaged with freelance illustrating and portraiture, and he began teaching after being approached by local aspiring artists eager to learn his techniques. From these humble beginnings, Foster Caddell soon became the founder/teacher and CEO of the largest private art school in southern New England, located in Voluntown, Connecticut.Intended for intermediate to advanced artists, this is not your standard how-to art book. Using his own artwork as a visual aid, Foster gives the reader 50 tips, or “keys,” for solving a variety of problems in oil-based landscapes. Foster Caddell packs decades of wisdom into the pages of this must-own guidebook for artists of all skill levels.