Football Performance Unleashed

Football Performance Unleashed

Football Performance Unleashed

Bruno Luis

14,42 €
IVA incluido
Bruno Luis
Año de edición:
14,42 €
IVA incluido

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Whether you’re a complete beginner, a more experienced player, or someone who simply wants to improve their game, this book will provide you with the knowledge that can supercharge your performances on the field. Covering everything from simple ways of improving your passing to how to play possession football; from increasing your core strength to ways of keeping your confidence high. The ultimate aim of Football Performance Unleashed is to, both mentally and physically, make you a smarter, stronger, and faster player. What you’ll get from Football Performance Unleashed: - Learn how to develop your technical and tactical skills. - Learn how to improve your psychological, physical and off-the-field parts of the game to make the most of your ability. - Simple training methods you can use by yourself or with other people. - A fun and interactive test to figure out your own football abilities. - Written in plain English for players of all levels and abilities. - Easy-to-read layout with bullet points, images, and tips to make learning simple.

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