Following JESUS

Following JESUS

michel kimi

26,03 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
26,03 €
IVA incluido

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'Following Jesus: The Path to a Flourishing and Eternal Life' tells the story of the Savior, Jesus Christ, and his crucial role in the redemption of mankind. It highlights the importance of receiving Jesus by faith in order to become a child of God, turning away from darkness and embracing a new identity in Christ. The book also explores the idea that following Jesus involves an active, daily commitment, with an emphasis on carrying one’s personal cross. It examines the central role of the cross, the Holy Spirit and repentance in the life of the believer, emphasizing that this journey leads to a fulfilling life and offers access to eternal life. The book offers an evangelical Christian perspective and invites readers to embrace the path of grace, redemption and spiritual transformation through faith in Jesus Christ.

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